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List of All Indicators

Indicator Description Survey Question Used Earliest Date Available ( To Last Available Date if applicable)
covid Respondents that have reported COVID-like illness (CLI). COVID-like illness: fever, along with cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. B1_1, B1_2, B1_3 2020-04-23
flu Respondents that have reported Influenza-like illness (ILI). Influenza-like illness: fever, along with cough or sore throat. B1_1, B1_2, B1_7 2020-04-23
mask Respondents who wore a mask all the time or most of the time when in public. C5 2020-04-23
contact Respondents that have reported having had direct contact (longer than 1 minute) with people not staying with them. C1_m 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
finance Respondents who are very worried or somewhat worried about themselves and their household’s finances. D5 2020-05-01
anosmia Respondents reporting anosmia (loss of smell or taste). B1_10 2020-04-23
vaccine_acpt Respondents definitely or probably choosing to get vaccinated if a COVID-19 vaccine was offered to them, out of the respondents who have not been vaccinated. Note: Replaced by appointment_or_accept_covid_vaccine in Wave 11 V3 2020-12-21 to 2021-06-18
covid_vaccine Respondents vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine. V1 2021-02-05
trust_fam Respondents more likely to get vaccinated if recommended by friends and family. V4_1 2020-12-21 to 2021-06-18
trust_healthcare Respondents more likely to get vaccinated if recommended by local healthcare workers. Note: no longer being populated. It has been replaced by trust_doctors. V4_2 From 2020-12-21 To 2021-02-05
trust_who Respondents more likely to get vaccinated if recommended by the WHO. V4_3 2020-12-21 to 2021-06-18
trust_govt Respondents more likely to get vaccinated if recommended by government health officials. V4_4 2020-12-21 to 2021-06-18
trust_politicians Respondents more likely to get vaccinated if recommended by politicians. V4_5 2020-12-21 to 2021-06-18
twodoses Respondents having received 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. V2 2021-01-14
concerned_sideeffects Respondents being very or moderately concerned about COVID-19 vaccine side effects. V9 2021-01-14
hesitant_sideeffects Respondents very or moderately concerned about COVID-19 vaccine side effects, conditional on being hesitant (would NOT choose to get vaccinated if offered a vaccine). V3, V9 Note:Item # change to V3a, V9 after 2021-05-20 2021-01-14
modified_acceptance Respondents that are vaccine accepting where people who are vaccinated are included as accepting. Note: Replaced by vaccinated_appointment_or_accept in Wave 11 V1, V3 2021-01-05 to 2021-06-18
access_wash Respondents with access to soap and water for washing their hands. C8 2020-06-27 to 2021-06-18
wash_hands_24h_3to6 Respondents who washed their hands 3 to 6 times in the last 24 hours. C7 2020-06-27 to 2021-06-18
wash_hands_24h_7orMore Respondents who washed their hands 7+ times in the last 24 hours. C7 2020-06-27 to 2021-06-18
cmty_covid Respondents who personally know anyone in their local community who is sick with a fever and either a cough or difficulty breathing. B3 2020-04-23
barrier_reason_side_effects Respondents who are concerned about possible side effects of a COVID-19 vaccine. V5a_1,V5b_1,V5c_1 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_wontwork Respondents who don’t know if a COVID-19 vaccine will work. V5a_2,V5b_2,V5c_2 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontbelieve Respondents who don’t believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine. V5a_3,V5b_3,V5c_3 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontlike Respondents who don’t like vaccines. V5a_4,V5b_4,V5c_4 202-02-05
barrier_reason_waitlater Respondents who plan to wait and see if the vaccine is safe and may get it later. V5a_5,V5b_5,V5c_5 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_otherpeople Respondents who think other people need the vaccine more than they do right now. V5a_6,V5b_6,V5c_6 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_cost Respondents who are concerned about the cost of a COVID-19 vaccine. V5a_7,V5b_7,V5c_7 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_religious Respondents whose religious beliefs are against vaccination. V5a_8,V5b_8,V5c_8 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_government Respondents who reported not trusting the government as a reasons why they would choose not to get a COVID-19 vaccine. V5a_10,V5b_10,V5c_10 2021-03-01
barrier_reason_other Respondents who have other reasons not to get a COVID-19 vaccine. V5a_9,V5b_9,V5c_9 2021-02-05
trust_doctors Respondents more likely to get vaccinated if recommended by doctors and other health professionals they go to for medical care. V4_6 2021-02-05 to 2021-06-18
barrier_reason_dontneed_alreadyhad Respondents who do not believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine because they already had the COVID-19 virus. V6_1,V1 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontneed_dontspendtime Respondents who do not believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine because they do not spend time with any high-risk people. V6_2,V1 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontneed_nothighrisk Respondents who do not believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine because they are not part of a high-risk group. V6_3,V1 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontneed_takeprecautions Respondents who do not believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine because they plan to use masks or other precautions instead. V6_4,V1 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontneed_notserious Respondents who do not believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine because they do not belive COVID-19 is a seuorus illeness. V6_5,V1 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontneed_notbeneficial Respondents who do not believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine because they do not think vaccines are beneficial. V6_6,V1 2021-02-05
barrier_reason_dontneed_other Respondents who do not believe they need a COVID-19 vaccine because of other reasons which are not not listed. V6_7,V1 2021-02-05
informed_access Respondents who reported being very informed or moderately informed about how to be able to get a COVID-19 vaccine. V13 2021-03-01 to 2021-06-18
appointment_have Respondents who reported having an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Note: Replaced by appointment_not_vaccinated in Wave 11 V15 2021-03-01 to 2021-06-18
appointment_tried Respondents who reported having tried to get an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Note: Replaced by vaccine_tried in Wave 11 V16 2021-03-01 to 2021-06-18
work_outside_home_1d Respondents who worked outside their home in the past 24 hours. Note: Replaced by activity_work_outside_home in Wave 11 C0_1 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
shop_1d Respondents who went to a market, grocery store, or pharmacy in the past 24 hours.Note: Replaced by activity_shop in Wave 11 C0_2 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
restaurant_1d Respondents who went to a shopping center, restaurant, or cafe in the past 24 hours. Note: Replaced by activity_restaurant_bar in Wave 11 C0_3 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
spent_time_1d Respondents who spent time with someone who isn’t currently staying with them in the past 24 hours. Note: Replaced by activity_spent_time in Wave 11 C0_4 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
large_event_1d Respondents who attended an event with more than 10 people in the past 24 hours. Note: Replaced by activity_large_event in Wave 11 C0_5 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
public_transit_1d Respondents who used public transit in the past 24 hours. Note: Replaced by activity_public_transit in Wave 11 C0_6 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
food_security Respondents who are very worried or somewhat worried about having enough to eat in the next week. D4 2020-04-23
anxious_7d Respondents who reported feeling nervous for most or all of the time over the the past 7 days. D1 2020-04-23
depressed_7d Respondents who reported feeling depressed most or all of the time over the past 7 days. D2 2020-04-23
worried_become_ill Respondents who reported feeling very or somewhat worried that they or someone in their immediate family might become seriously ill from COVID-19. D3 2020-04-23
pay_test Respondents who pay for the COVID-19 test. B9 2020-06-27 to 2021-06-18
reduce_spending Respondents who report they reduce spending on things they need because of the cost of COVID-19 test. B10 2020-06-27 to 2021-06-18
symp_chills Respondents reporting chills. B1_13 2020-05-07
symp_sleep_changes Respondents reporting changes to sleep. B1_14 2020-11-23 to 2021-06-07
testing_rate Respondents who report they have been tested for COVID-19 in the past 14 days, regardless of their test result. B7 2020-04-23
tested_positive_recent Respondents who report they have tested positive for COVID-19 in a recent test. B8 Note: Item # change to B8a since 2021-05-20 2020-04-23
tested_positive_14d Respondents who report they have been tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Note: same as “tested_positive_recent” B7,B8 2020-04-23
symp_fever Respondents reporting fever. B1_1 2020-04-23
symp_cough Respondents reporting cough. B1_2 2020-04-23
symp_diff_breathing Respondents reporting difficulty breathing. B1_3 2020-04-23
symp_fatigue Respondents reporting fatigue. B1_4 2020-04-23
symp_stuffy_nose Respondents reporting stuffy or runny nose. B1_5 2020-04-23
symp_aches Respondents reporting aches or muscle pain. B1_6 2020-04-23
symp_sore_throat Respondents reporting sore_throat. B1_7 2020-04-23
symp_chest_pain Respondents reporting chest pain. B1_8 2020-04-23
symp_nausea Respondents reporting nausea. B1_9 2020-04-23
symp_eye_pain Respondents reporting eye pain. B1_11 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-07
symp_headache Respondents reporting headache. B1_12 2020-04-23
ever_tested Respondents who report they have ever been tested for COVID-19. B6 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
sick_spending_time_7d Respondents who spent time with any of these people in the last 7 days (sick with a fever and either a cough or difficulty breathing). B5 2020-04-23 to 2021-06-18
flu_vaccine_thisyr Respondents who had a seasonal flu vaccination since July 1, 2020. C9a 2021-02-05 to 2021-06-18
flu_vaccine_lastyr Respondents who get a flu vaccine between June 2019 and February 2020. C12 2020-11-23 to 2021-06-18
avoid_contact Respondents who intentionally avoiding contact with other people all the time or most of the time. C14 Note: Item # change to C14a since 2021-05-20 2020-11-23
vaccinated_appointment_or_accept Respondents who had a vaccine, an appointment to get vaccinated or who would definitely or probably choosing to get vaccinated if a COVID-19 vaccine was offered to them. V1, V15a, V3a 2021-05-20
appointment_or_accept_covid_vaccine Respondents who have an appointment to get vaccinated or who would definitely or probably choosing to get vaccinated if a COVID-19 vaccine was offered to them, out of the respondents who have not been vaccinated. V15a, V3a 2021-05-20
accept_covid_vaccine_no_appointment Respondents who would definitely or probably choosing to get vaccinated if a COVID-19 vaccine was offered to them. V3a 2021-05-20
appointment_not_vaccinated Respondents who reported having an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, out of all those that have not been vaccinated. V15a 2021-05-20
vaccine_tried Respondents who reported having tried to get a COVID-19 vaccine, out of all those that have not been vaccinated AND are not hesitant. V16a 2021-05-20
activity_large_event Respondents who attended an event with more than 10 people in the past 24 hours. C0a 2021-05-20
activity_public_transit Respondents who used public transit in the past 24 hours. C0a 2021-05-20
activity_restaurant_bar Respondents who went to a bar, restaurant, or cafe in the past 24 hours. C0a 2021-05-20
activity_shop Respondents who went to a market, grocery store, or pharmacy in the past 24 hours. C0a 2021-05-20
activity_spent_time Respondents who spent time with someone who isn’t currently staying with them in the past 24 hours. C0a 2021-05-20
activity_work_outside_home Respondents who worked outside their home in the past 24 hours. C0a 2021-05-20
cli_w11 Respondents that have reported COVID-like illness (CLI). COVID-like illness: fever, along with cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. B1_1, B1_2, B1_3 Note: Wave 11 data from 5/20/2021 to 6/7/2021 only. 2021-05-20 to 2021-06-17
ili_w11 Respondents that have reported Influenza-like illness (ILI). Influenza-like illness: fever, along with cough or sore throat. B1_1, B1_2, B1_7 Note:Use Wave 11 data only from 5/20/2021 to 6/7/2021. 2021-05-20 to 2021-06-17
wash_hands_24h_1to2 Respondents who washed their hands 1 to 2 times in the last 24 hours. C7 2020-06-27 to 2021-06-18
had_covid_ever Percentage of people reporting having had COVID-19. B0 2021-05-20
worried_catch_covid Percentage of people worrying either a great deal or a moderate amount about catching COVID-19. G1 2021-05-20
belief_distancing_effective Percentage of people who believe social distancing is either very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19. G2 2021-05-20
belief_masking_effective Percentage of people who believe that wearing a face mask is very or moderately effective for preventing the spread of COVID-19. G3 2021-05-20
others_distanced_public Percentage of people who reported that all or most people they saw in public in the last 7 days maintained a distance of at least [1 meter / 6 feet]. H1 2021-05-20
others_masked_public Percentage of people who reported that all or most people they saw in public in the last 7 days wore a mask. H2 2021-05-20
covid_vaccinated_friends Percentage of people who reported that all or most of their friends and family have gotten a COVID-19 vaccine. H3 2021-05-20
belief_vaccinated_mask_unnecessary Percentage of people who indicate that “Getting the COVID-19 vaccine means that you can stop wearing a mask around people outside your household.” is definitely or probably true. I1 2021-05-20
belief_children_immune Percentage of people who indicate that “Children cannot get COVID-19” is definitely or probably true. I2 2021-05-20
belief_no_spread_hot_humid Percentage of people who indicate that “COVID-19 cannot spread in hot and humid climates” definitely or probably true. I8 2021-05-20
received_news_local_health Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from local health workers, clinics, and community organizations. I5 2021-05-20
received_news_experts Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from scientists and other health experts. I5 2021-05-20
received_news_who Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from the World Health Organization (WHO). I5 2021-05-20
received_news_govt_health Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from government health authorities or officials. I5 2021-05-20
received_news_politicians Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from politicians. I5 2021-05-20
received_news_journalists Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from journalists. I5 2021-05-20
received_news_friends Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from friends and family. I5 2021-05-20
received_news_religious Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from religious leaders. I5 2021-05-20
received_news_none Percentage of respondents reporting having received news about COVID-19 in the past 7 days from “None of the above.” I5 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_local_health Percentage of people who trust COVID info from local health works, clinics, and community organizations. I6_1 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_experts Percentage of people who trust COVID info from scientists and other health experts. I6_2 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_who Percentage of people who trust COVID info from the World Health Organization. I6_3 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_govt_health Percentage of people who trust COVID info from government health authorities. I6_4 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_politicians Percentage of people who trust COVID info from politicians. I6_5 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_journalists Percentage of people who trust COVID info from journalists. I6_6 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_friends Percentage of people who trust COVID info from friends and family. I6_7 2021-05-20
trust_covid_info_religious Percentage of people who trust COVID info from religious leaders. I6_8 2021-05-20
want_info_covid_treatment Percentage of people who say they want more information about the treatment of COVID-19. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_vaccine_access Percentage of people who say they want more information about how to get a COVID-19 vaccine. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_vaccine_types Percentage of people who say they want more information about different types of COVID-19 vaccines. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_covid_variants Percentage of people who say they want more information about variants of COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus mutations). I7 2021-05-20
want_info_children_education Percentage of people who say they want more information about how to support their children’s education. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_economic_impact Percentage of people who say they want more information about the economic impact of COVID-19 to themselves personally. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_mental_health Percentage of people who say they want more information about how to maintain their mental health. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_relationships Percentage of people who say they want more information about how to maintain their social relationships despite physical distancing. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_employment Percentage of people who say they want more information about employment and other economic and financial issues. I7 2021-05-20
want_info_none Percentage of people reporting that they want more information about “None of the above”. I7 2021-05-20
news_online Percentage of people who got news about COVID-19 in the last 7 days from online sources. I9_noneu 2021-05-20
news_messaging Percentage of people who got news about COVID-19 in the last 7 days from messaging apps. I9_noneu 2021-05-20
news_newspaper Percentage of people who got news about COVID-19 in the last 7 days from newspapers. I9_noneu 2021-05-20
news_television Percentage of people who got news about COVID-19 in the last 7 days from television. I9_noneu 2021-05-20
news_radio Percentage of people who got news about COVID-19 in the last 7 days from radio. I9_noneu 2021-05-20
news_none Percentage of people who got news about COVID-19 in the last 7 days from “none of the above”. I9_noneu 2021-05-20
trust_news_online Percentage of people who report trusting online sources to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. I10_noneu_1 2021-05-20
trust_news_messaging Percentage of people who report trusting messaging apps to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. I10_noneu_2 2021-05-20
trust_news_newspaper Percentage of people who report trusting newspapers to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. I10_noneu_3 2021-05-20
trust_news_television Percentage of people who report trusting television to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. I10_noneu_4 2021-05-20
trust_news_radio Percentage of people who report trusting radio to provide accurate news and information about COVID-19. I10_noneu_5 2021-05-20
vaccinate_children Percentage of respondents with children who report that they will definitely or probably get the vaccine for their children. J2 2021-05-20
delayed_care_cost Percentage of respondents who have not sought medical care in the past year because of cost. K1 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_eligible Percentage of people reporting eligibilty requirements is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_no_appointments Percentage of people reporting no appointments available is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_appointment_time Percentage of people reporting that available appointment times did not work for them is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_technical_difficulties Percentage of people reporting that technical difficulties are a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_document Percentage of people reporting that inability to provide required document is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_technology_access Percentage of people reporting that limited access to internet or phone is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_travel Percentage of people reporting that difficulty traveling to vaccination site is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_language Percentage of people reporting that information not in their native language is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_childcare Percentage of people reporting lack of childcare is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_time Percentage of people that report difficulty getting time away from school or work is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_type Percentage of people that report type of vaccine available is a barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_none Percentage of people that report “none of the above” as their barrier to getting the vaccine. V18a / V18b 2021-05-20
try_vaccinate_1m Percentage of people reporting they will try to get the vaccine within a month. V19 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_eligible_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_no_appointments_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_appointment_time_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report available appointment times as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_technical_difficulties_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report technical difficulties as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_document_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report inability to provide required document as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_technology_access_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_travel_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report difficulty traveling to vaccination site as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_language_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report information not available in native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_childcare_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report the lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_time_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_type_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report type of vaccine as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_none_has Estimated percentage of vaccinated respondents who report “None of the above” to the question about barriers to getting the vaccine V18a 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_eligible_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report eligibility requirements as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_no_appointments_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report lack of vaccine or vaccine appointments as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_appointment_time_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report available appointment times as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_technical_difficulties_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report technical difficulties as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_document_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report inability to provide required document as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_technology_access_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report limited access to internet or phone as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_travel_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report difficulty traveling to vaccination site as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_language_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report information not available in native language as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_childcare_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report the lack of childcare as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_time_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report difficulty getting time away from work or school as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_type_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report type of vaccine as a barrier to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
vaccine_barrier_none_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who have tried to get the vaccine that report “None of the above” to the question about barriers to getting the vaccine V18b 2021-05-20
mask_work_outside_home_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who wore mask when worked outside home indoors C0a, C13a 2021-05-20
mask_shop_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who wore mask when shopped indoors C0a, C13a 2021-05-20
mask_restaurant_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who wore mask in restaurant indoors C0a, C13a 2021-05-20
mask_spent_time_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who wore mask when spent time indoors C0a, C13a 2021-05-20
mask_large_event_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who wore mask when at a large event indoors C0a, C13a 2021-05-20
mask_public_transit_1d Estimated percentage of respondents who wore mask when using public transit C0a, C13a 2021-05-20
barrier_reason_covidvax Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they do not trust COVID vaccines, among respondents who answered “Yes, probably”, “No, probably not”, or “No, definitely not” when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered (item V3). V5a,V5b,V5c 2021-12-19
barrier_reason_vaxgeneral Estimated percentage of respondents who say they are hesitant to get vaccinated because they do not trust vaccines generally, among respondents who answered “Yes, probably”, “No, probably not”, or “No, definitely not” when asked if they would get vaccinated if offered (item V3). V5a,V5b,V5c 2021-12-19
vaccine_barrier_appointment_location Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. V18b,V18c subitem 14 2021-12-19
vaccine_barrier_other Estimated percentage of respondents who report ‘other’ as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated or have tried to get vaccinated. V18b,V18c subitem 15 2021-12-19
vaccine_barrier_appointment_location_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. V18c subitem 14 2021-12-19
vaccine_barrier_appointment_location_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report available appointment locations as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. V18b subitem 14 2021-12-19
vaccine_barrier_other_has Estimated percentage of respondents who report ‘other’ as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have already been vaccinated. V18c subitem 15 2021-12-19
vaccine_barrier_other_tried Estimated percentage of respondents who report ‘other’ as a barrier to getting the vaccine, among those who have tried to get vaccinated. V18b subitem 15 2021-12-19
has_child_under_18 Estimated percentage of respondents who report having a child under the age of 18 years old. J3 2021-12-19
oldest_child_under_5 Of those that report having a child under 18 years old, the estimated percentage who report that the oldest child is under 5 years old. J4 2021-12-19
oldest_child_5_to_11 Of those that report having a child under 18 years old, the estimated percentage who report that the oldest child is between 5 to 11 years old. J4 2021-12-19
oldest_child_12_to_15 Of those that report having a child under 18 years old, the estimated percentage who report that the oldest child is between 12 to 15 years old. J4 2021-12-19
oldest_child_16_to_17 Of those that report having a child under 18 years old, the estimated percentage who report that the oldest child is between 16 to 17 years old. J4 2021-12-19
child_vaccine_already Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that their oldest child under 18 years old is vaccinated. J5 2021-12-19
child_vaccine_yes_def Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that they will “yes, definitely” vaccinate their oldest child. J5 2021-12-19
child_vaccine_yes_prob Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that they will “yes, probably” vaccinate their oldest child. J5 2021-12-19
child_vaccine_no_prob Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that they will “no, probably not” vaccinate their oldest child. J5 2021-12-19
child_vaccine_no_def Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that they will “no, definitely not” vaccinate their oldest child. J5 2021-12-19
child_vaccine_vaccinated_or_accept Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that they have either already vaccinated their oldest child or have reported “yes, definitely” or “yes, probably” that they will vaccinate their oldest child. J5 2021-12-19
global_school_in_person Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that their oldest child is going to school in person. J6 2021-12-19
global_school_remote Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that their oldest child is attending school using online, remote, or distance learning. J6 2021-12-19
global_school_mixed Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that their oldest child is attending school using a mix of in-person and online, remote or distance learning. J6 2021-12-19
global_school_not Among respondents who report having a child under 18, the estimated percentage who report that their oldest child is not in school. J6 2021-12-19
global_school_remote_online_computer Among respondents who report having a child under 18 in online, remote, or distance learning, the estimated percentage that describes how their oldest child is learning as “online using a computer or tablet.” J7 2021-12-19
global_school_remote_online_phone Among respondents who report having a child under 18 in online, remote, or distance learning, the estimated percentage that describes how their oldest child is learning as “online using a mobile phone.” J7 2021-12-19
global_school_remote_paper Among respondents who report having a child under 18 in online, remote, or distance learning, the estimated percentage that describes how their oldest child is learning as “paper materials sent home.” J7 2021-12-19
global_school_remote_television Among respondents who report having a child under 18 in online, remote, or distance learning, the estimated percentage that describes how their oldest child is learning as “classes on television.” J7 2021-12-19
global_school_remote_radio Among respondents who report having a child under 18 in online, remote, or distance learning, the estimated percentage that describes how their oldest child is learning as “classes on radio.” J7 2021-12-19
global_school_remote_other Among respondents who report having a child under 18 in online, remote, or distance learning, the estimated percentage that describes how their oldest child is learning as “other.” J7 2021-12-19
initial_dose_one_of_one Among those that are vaccinated, the estimated percentage of respondents that reported that they initially received one dose of a one dose vaccine V2a_2 2022-01-30
initial_dose_one_of_two Among those that are vaccinated, the estimated percentage of respondents that reported that they have received the first dose of a two-dose sequence V2a_2 2022-01-30
initial_dose_two_of_two Among those that are vaccinated, the estimated percentage of respondents that reported that they initially received two doses of a two dose vaccine. V2a_2 2022-01-30
vaccinated_one_booster Among those that are vaccinated, the estimated percentage that report having received one additional dose or booster shot. V2b 2022-01-30
vaccinated_two_or_more_boosters Among those that are vaccinated, the estimated percentage that report having received more than one additional dose or booster shot. V2b 2022-01-30
vaccinated_at_least_one_booster Among those that are vaccinated, the estimated percentage that report having received at least one booster shot. V2b 2022-01-30
vaccinated_no_booster Among those that are vaccinated, the estimated percentage that report having not received an additional dose or booster shot. V2b 2022-01-30
vaccinated_booster_accept Among those that are vaccinated and have not received a booster shot, the estimated percentage that report that they are accepting - they responded “yes, definitely” or “yes, probably” planning to get an additional dose or booster shot. V2c 2022-01-30
vaccinated_booster_hesitant Among those that are vaccinated and have not received a booster shot, the estimated percentage that report that they are hesitant - they responded “no, definitely not” or “no, probably not” planning to get an additional dose or booster shot. V2c 2022-01-30
vaccinated_booster_defyes Among those that are vaccinated and have not received a booster shot, the estimated percentage that report that they are “yes, definitely” planning to get an additional dose or booster shot. V2c 2022-01-30
vaccinated_booster_probyes Among those that are vaccinated and have not received a booster shot, the estimated percentage that report that they are “yes, probably” planning to get an additional dose or booster shot. V2c 2022-01-30
vaccinated_booster_probno Among those that are vaccinated and have not received a booster shot, the estimated percentage that report that they are “no, probably not” planning to get an additional dose or booster shot. V2c 2022-01-30
vaccinated_booster_defno Among those that are vaccinated and have not received a booster shot, the estimated percentage that report that they are “no, definitely not” planning to get an additional dose or booster shot. V2c 2022-01-30
oldest_child_male Of those that report having a child under 18 years old, the estimated percentage who report that the oldest child is male. J8 2022-01-30
oldest_child_female Of those that report having a child under 18 years old, the estimated percentage who report that the oldest child is female. J8 2022-01-30
oldest_child_other Of those that report having a child under 18 years old, the estimated percentage who report that their oldest child is an other gender. J8 2022-01-30